
Otome Gamer Ita Bag

Created by Shanna Kelly

The Otome Gamer Ita bag is a magical girl style video game system purse and back pack by Magical Mews.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Bags! Bags! Bags!
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 30, 2023 at 02:36:34 PM

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted all my supporters to know that bags are getting ready to ship soon! I just got this video back from my manufacture! I'm so excited to see so many together. I can't wait for them to get in for me to ship them all to you!

Also I shipped 8 orders that were just pins. So some of you are getting your gifts early if you didn't buy bags or wallets.

Thank you everyone again for being so sweet to me during my first Kickstarter!

All my love! Shanna

First Pledges to Ship: Enamel Pins Only
about 1 year ago – Sun, May 14, 2023 at 11:10:09 AM

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your patience. I was able to look at which pledges only had enamel pins in them and I am going to start the process of getting those ready to go!

If you are one of those people you will see a charge very soon and I believe Backerkit will also ask for you to confirm your shipping address. Thank you all so much for your kind support over my first big project. It meant so much to me.

Warm Regards, Shanna!

May Update! Enamel Pins are here!
about 1 year ago – Mon, May 08, 2023 at 06:45:07 PM

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for your patience on this next update. Bags and wallets are still in process of being produced so I am still waiting to hear on them. I hope to have some news soon though on their shipment.

As for the other items. I just received all of the enamel pins! I'm going through them all and quality checking them. So giving them a grade A-C. Everyone who bought them through this Kickstarter will get a grade A pin. So do not worry there. But it does take some time to go through hundreds of pins. They are so nice and thicker too than before!

That being said once I go through all of those I may ship out to backers who just ordered enamel pins early. I'm going to see into the logistics of it. But if I can get some items shipped now I would be so happy to do so.

Warm Regards, Shanna!

Please enjoy some photos of the pins!

Small Update + Pin Draft
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 02:53:02 PM

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for your patience on my updates. My cat has been sick and sadly passed away yesterday so I've been a little slow.

I have received both the new color bags and the wallet samples and they look great. I am changing the mint color bag's sparkles to a little bit of a darker pink. Since the pink came out almost purple. But that is the only correction I had to make with them. I am also seeing what the wallets will look like with real bows on the back. So that might happen too!

So far all payments besides shipping have all been paid! I'm so excited to see all of the items arrive. Now is the waiting game.

I did get the mock ups from my pin manufacture over the new color pins. Since I didn't use them to make the first set they also sent how they will do the originals.

They make the best pins I've done and since that is so I wanted to move forward with them. So these might be a little thicker than the originals. (Gold metal will look lighter.)

Thank you all for your continued support! Shanna

BackerKit Surveys Almost Finished, Sample Updates
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 07:56:23 PM

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your patience on this update. I have been working on trying to get all the BackerKit surveys completed and on making personal Etsy listing for those who wanted to go through that route with regards to VAT.

As for the BackerKit surveys we are still missing 9 of them. If you have not finished it in BackerKit could you please try to finish. I am extending the time until Wednesday 3/1 to complete it. After then I am locking orders and I am purchasing our full order. 

If you misplaced that link you can recover your BackerKit survey here. This will help get you what you will need.

Now some photo updates. Samples are finished!

Lighting seems bright. Mint bag pink might be updated to a little darker once I see in person.

Sample Bags of the 3 new colors with the bottom sparkle moved up. Purple, Mint, Eternal Love.
Samples of the Companion Wallets, Front.
Sample of the Companion Wallet, Back.

Lighting again seems bright. Will confirm colors once samples arrive to see if any changes need made. I'm considering changing the back to have no bow screen print or a flat physical bow. What do you think? Or do you like the white bow on the back?

As always thank you so much for your support! I'm so excited to see these in person!

Warmest Regards and Love! Shanna