
Otome Gamer Ita Bag

Created by Shanna Kelly

The Otome Gamer Ita bag is a magical girl style video game system purse and back pack by Magical Mews.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal Sample Bag Photos!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 10:06:06 PM

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are doing well and I hope you are fine with all my update emails. I wanted to share the photos of the sample bags fronts for the Stretch Goal colors. They are still being put together. But it was really neat to see these from my manufacture tonight!

Please do not worry about the Mint bag's sparkle being green, I've already informed them that it is supposed to be a light pink which I hope to see the pink sparkle soon.

Also I have made one small update. The bottom sparkle has been moved up slightly as you can see from the sketch. I noticed on my original samples that one was getting bent and I didn't want that to happen to anyone else. Thank you for your understanding.

Also if you still haven't received your survey or missed it I do have a link that will recover your BackerKit survey. This will help get you what you will need.

Thank you so much for all your support for this project! I'm so happy you all loved my designs! Shanna

All Backerkit Surveys Sent! Plus EU & UK Update.
over 1 year ago – Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 08:52:31 PM

Hi Everyone!

I have just sent out all Backerkit surveys. If you have any trouble please let me know either here or on Backerkit. If their was something that extra you decided you now want you can do it on there. Also there is a preorder site if you had friends who missed it and wanted to get in on my bags!

That being said some people from the UK/EU have asked to still go through sending all of their things in Backerkit. If you decide to do that way instead of Etsy that is fine. Just know you will have to handle the VAT by yourself once the item enters your country as I don't have anything set up for it.

Also! First run of MC Friendship Keychains just came in. They are so cute!!! This keychain reminds me of all the wonderful people I have met in this fandom and what love each other gives.

I'm excited to see your surveys! All my thanks for your support! Shanna

Backerkit Surveys Approved
over 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 06:30:02 PM

Hi Everyone!

I just got approved for my Backerkit Surveys. Before I can send them out to everyone they have me send 5% of supporters recieve the Surveys first to make sure everything is working properly. So some of you may get this survey early! After those are answered and it looks like things are working properly I will be hitting the send to everyone else.

To my understanding backerkit sends them through the email that you used when backing my project. I look forward to seeing everyone's answers!

All my thanks! Shanna

Wallet Mock Ups and BackerKit Survey Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 12:37:15 PM

Hi Everyone!

Some new updates coming your way! First I wanted to show off the mock up's for the sample wallets being produced. I'm using the same manufacture as my bags.

Companion Wallet

Please note that these are not final product and are mock up's using spare materials to show design before final samples are made.

Front of the Wallet. Paper is showing where the screen print will be.
Back of the Wallet. Again paper showing where the screen print will be.
Inside of the Wallet.
Front will open up to a small heart mirror.

BackerKit Survey Update

As for the BackerKit Survey I am waiting to be approved on my final edits. Once approved I will send out about 5% of surveys first to each tier to make sure everything is working correctly. After that all surveys will go out. Do note that I did not charge for shipping in the original Kickstarter so you will be charged shipping there. If you pledged and were in the EU or UK please reach out to me. As I will be making your orders separate on Etsy.

All my thanks and love! Shanna

Working with the Manufacture Part 1
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 12:45:55 PM

Hi Everyone!

I am still working on the surveys on BackerKit. It's taking a little time since I am new to that platform. But I feel like I'm learning something everyday and getting closer to finishing it all up.

As for the bags. I was able to talk extensively with my manufacture last night and we picked out the colors for the samples of the bag's 3 additional color ways.

I'm happy to show you what we chose. (Some of the colors are a little darker than they really are because of using small swatches.)



Eternal Love:

If you were having a hard decision on which one to choose I hope this will help a little.

Please let me know what you think!

♥All my thanks and love! Shanna♥